Creation of New JIRA Account and Site for JIRA

 Creation of New JIRA Account and Site for JIRA

Scope: - The scope of this blog is to demonstrate the steps involved in to create new JIRA account and new JIRA site.

Please follow the below steps to create new JIRA site.

·         Go to and sign up your account.

·         Enter you email account as shown in picture below.




·      Now answer the security question and click on verify as shown in picture-2.


·         Now you will receive an email for account verification from Atlassian team.



·         Click on the verify your email


·         Now enter your full name, choose your password (use strong password) and click on sign up button.


·         Answer the security question as mentioned in Picture-2.

·         Now click on the product and select the product which is suitable for organization.



·         Click on the “Get it free” option.


·         Click on next button. You can also add more product as per your need as mentioned in picture-8


·         Now to create URL enter a unique URL for your site and click on “Agree” button as mentioned in picture-9.


·         Now you can select your team as per your need or you can skip this question.

                                                              Text Box: Select your team

·         Now select your role as mentioned in picture-11.


·         We have selected “System Administrator” role so now we have below options as per your role list of task will appear in next steps.


Note: - You can skip these step if you do not want to select these options.

·         Now select one option  out of two  as mentioned in picture-13


·         Now step by step select all the options and click on “next” button as mentioned in picture-14.



Note: - You can skip these step if you do not want to select these options.


·         In next step please enter the project details and click on “create project “as mentioned in picture-15.




Note: - Project key will be auto update with the project name and also you can enter project key as per your need.

·         Now select any tool from list as mentioned in picture-16.



·         Enter the email of your team member if you want to add them to this site and click on “continue” button. You can add up to  three email address as shown in picture-17


·         Now you will redirected to the main JIRA site that you have created as shown in picture-18



Important Instructions:-

·         Please add new email address during account creation.

·         Set unique site name.

·         Answer each security questions with proper attention.

·         Use good internet connection.

·         Use “Google Chrome” browser for better experience.

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