- Active Component
- Passive Component
As the name suggest Active these components are active in nature. Following are the features of active components.
- Active components are types of components which deliver energy or power to circuits.
- Active components are required external source of power for their working.
- Active component also control the flow of current of any circuit.
- Example of active components are Transistor,FET,JFET etc.
- Active component are capable of providing power gain.
- Active components amplify the signal.
- Active components are energy donor in nature.
Passive components
Passive components are types of components which are not active. Following are the features of passive components.
- Passive components are types of components which are utilize the energy or power in the circuit.
- Passive components are not required any type of external source for their working.
- Passive components are not control the current of any circuit.
- Resistor,capacitor,inductor are example of passive component.
- Passive components are not capable of providing power gain.
- Passive components not amplify the signal.
- These components are energy acceptor in nature.
For understanding in simple way please refer below example.
In case of active components as they required external source for their operation. In case of transistor it requires achieve breakover voltage first then it will starts its working.
In case of passive element there is no requirement of external source they will work with as per their specification. As in case of resistor it does not require any external voltage for their operation.
Friends we hope that you will understand the above topic. if you have any query please comment below.